Page 21 - April - June 2024 Activity Program Guide
P. 21

GET WITH A GROUP AND TRAIN!                                    MEMBERSHIP


Synergy Group Training Pilates Reformers                       SPORTS

Synergy Group Training       Building on the principles of

transforms a workout into Joseph Pilates, this class works

fun with upbeat music, circuit to develop a strong core.

style training and more. You Pilates Reformers is a monthly

will experience a high intensity two times a week small group  HEALTH & WELLNESS

total body workout with rest program, which incorporates

periods intermixed to increase specific movements such as

heart rate and to enhance core strength, arm and leg

your overall fitness level.  strength, cardio and flexibility

                             using resistance exercises on

Synergy Group Training       Pilates Reformers machines.

presents the opportunity     Our certified instructor will

for people to experience the create a safe and challenging

knowledge and motivation of class toward a stronger body       CHILD CARE

a personal trainer in a unique for all levels!

small group setting.

                             Training is offered in 1-hour

These paid sessions are      sessions on Tuesdays and

for ages 14 and up. Spots Thursdays by appointment

are limited, so stop by the only. These paid sessions are

membership desk or register for ages 14 and up. Spots

online.                      are limited, so stop by the       GIVING

                             membership desk or register


                                      KOKOMO FAMILY YMCA PROGRAM GUIDE • 21
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