Page 27 - April - June 2024 Activity Program Guide
P. 27

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d weights, light cardio and more!                        TYPE                           AGE GUIDE
  intervals. This will improve endurance, strength and     LC
                                                                                   DESIGNED FOR 55 & UP
  weightlessness in the water takes the stress out of    AQUA
may be more accessible to members that have trouble                  MUST BE 13 YEARS OLD TO PARTICIPATE. NO
                                                         AQUA         PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT REQUIRED
 e Zumba formula and philosophy with traditional aqua
                                                         AQUA        MUST BE 13 YEARS OLD TO PARTICIPATE. NO
a, and strength training. No dance experience needed.      LC         PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT REQUIRED
 tegrated, full-body experience
 te class gives you a total body workout and will        LC, VC      MUST BE 13 YEARS OLD TO PARTICIPATE. NO
ots of repetition, instructors will coach you through a               PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT REQUIRED
 eight.                                                    LC          AGES 13-15 WITH PARENT OR GUARDIAN
 listhenics, and plyometrics will get you sweating and     LC
                                                           LC             PRESENT IN CLASSES WITH WEIGHTS
 down to the toes. Mostly done on a chair and balance      LC
 ficient.                                                LC, VC        AGES 13-15 WITH PARENT OR GUARDIAN
 ting on a chair or standing on the ground while using   AQUA             PRESENT IN CLASSES WITH WEIGHTS
 educing the strain on your joints.                        LC
etrics.                                                    LC    AGES 13-15 WITH PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT
 results, the YMCA’s Cycle classes are for you! A coach    VC                   IN CLASSES WITH WEIGHTS

 nd slow controlled Pilates. Soft on the joints but you    VC                      DESIGNED FOR 55 & UP
 calories than with traditional cardio alone. Exercises                            DESIGNED FOR 55 & UP

etrics.                                                          AGES 13-15 WITH PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT
way to fitness and burn up to 740 calories* in a class.                         IN CLASSES WITH WEIGHTS
 , Capoeira and Kung Fu.
 mind, your body and your life. During BODYFLOW an                13 AND OLDER WITHOUT PARENT OR GUARDIAN
 d embrace elements of Tai Chi and Pilates. Breathing                  PRESENT IN CLASSES WITHOUT WEIGHTS
getting started. You’ll strengthen your entire body and
                                                                     MUST BE 13 YEARS OLD TO PARTICIPATE. NO
                                                                      PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT REQUIRED
                                                                 AGES 13-15 WITH PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT

                                                                                IN CLASSES WITH WEIGHTS
                                                                 AGES 13-15 WITH PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT

                                                                                IN CLASSES WITH WEIGHTS
                                                                 AGES 13-15 WITH PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT

                                                                                IN CLASSES WITH WEIGHTS

                                                                 AGES 7-9 WITH PARENT OR GUARDIAN PRESENT IN
                                                                                CLASSES WITHOUT WEIGHTS

s and all interests. You’ll find a group class that’s fun,
e Classes, Virtual Classes, and Aquatics Classes. For
se see our schedules online or on the App.
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