Find fun and action on the water with the Wibit! This floating obstacle course is the next generation of aquatic entertainment with something for everyone! Each segment offers a unique challenge.
Wibit Party Information:
- Wibit Rental is available: Saturdays from 5:30-8:00PM
- 1.5 hours of pool time for rental
- Cost for nonmembers: $375 (1.5 hours for the WIBIT and 1 hour in the party room)
- Cost for members: $325 (1.5 hours for the WIBIT and 1 hour in the party room)
- No more than 12 people at a time
- Renters will need to stop by to the membership desk to fill out a WIBIT Party form
- Must fill out waivers and read the rules!
- Tot Spot and the Program Pool will be open for the party
Find fun and action on the water with the Wibit! This floating obstacle course is the next generation of aquatic entertainment with something for everyone! Each segment offers a unique challenge.
Please read the following (as well as the rules) before you schedule your party:
- Swim testing is a MUST, No exceptions! Yellow/Green band to pass.
- All swimmers under the age of 12 will wear a lifejacket while participating on the Wibit.
- Parental supervision is a MUST.
- Must be 6 years and older (a height of 46″)
- NO sharp objects on bathing suits, sharp nails, etc.
- Lifeguards have the right to retest a person for a swim test.
- Tot Spot and Program pool will be closed as well as the lap swim.
We can’t wait to share the Wibit with everyone 6 years and older (a height of 46″)! Our rules and regulations for the Wibit are above, so please make sure you check those out before you head to the YMCA!