Ensuring children are safe from abuse and able to learn, grow and thrive is the highest priority of the YMCA. We are committed to creating programs that protect children from abuse, but we are also committed to providing our families and community with information to keep kids safe everywhere. It is the power of our community knowing, seeing and responding which will make it more difficult for offenders to abuse.
We as Y staff, members, community members and volunteers need to build on the work we’ve done and develop the three habits in child abuse prevention: KNOW. SEE. RESPOND.
Protecting Children at the Y
Know how to recognize boundary violations and how offenders operate. It’s up to us as adults to do all we can to prevent child sexual abuse and create safe environments for children.
Parent Resources
Stewards of Children® is a prevention training program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program is designed for individuals concerned about the safety of children, as well as organizations that serve youth.