We’re so excited to bring Kokomo a brand new costume 5K: The Halloween Hustle! If you got it – haunt it! This untimed, family-friendly 5K is full of treats for all ages. There will be a costume contest to win prizes, a Monster Mini run for kids 10 and under, a 5K that you can walk or run, and a post-run party with food trucks, vendors, and music.
Youth and Family Events
Haynes Apperson 5K
The Haynes Apperson 5K is right around the corner – On Saturday, June 28th, participants can walk/run the scenic course through downtown Kokomo and Foster Park along the Walk of Excellence trail. This timed, family-friendly race starts at 9am in front of the Kokomo Family YMCA. Ready to race? Sign up today!
Youth Programs
The YMCA is committed to nurturing the potential of every child and teen. From cradle to career, the Y empowers young people to lead inspired, successful lives.