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Whether you work out everyday or a couple times a week, it pays to have a buddy by your side. Our members get it: we’re better together. So grab a friend, family member, or come find a new fitness partner in one of our free classes. Here are some reasons why it pays to have a buddy by your side:

1.) Fun factor: Some buddies have a knack for cracking a joke at the worst (or best) moments—like while you’re desperately trying to hold plank position. Having a partner there to share the pain can make it a less painful experience…dare we say, even an enjoyable one? Up the fun factor in your workouts with someone who sees the glass half-full.

2.) Accountability: You are less likely to bail on a workout when someone else is counting on you. Even on the days you have to drag yourself to the gym kicking and screaming—at least you got there! A buddy brings an invaluable accountability that’s nearly impossible to muster up on your own.

3.) Double Success: You finally did a pull-up! You made it through the whole workout without cheating! You ran a 5K! What’s even better than reaching a fitness goal? Celebrating it with a buddy. The joy in victories—both small and large—multiplies when it’s shared.

4.) Healthy Competition: Ever found yourself trying to outdo the person next to you? Then you realize: Hey, I am lifting more than I thought I could! Having a workout partner pushes you beyond your perceived limits. The mixture of adrenaline and desire to achieve is a powerful force.

5.) Stronger Relationships: When all is said and done, our relationships matter the most. Every hour you invest at the gym with a friend or family member, you are also investing in the relationship. Some of the strongest bonds are forged through facing a challenge with another person or group of people. So while achieving your fitness goals will be good, the journey there will be even better together.


Article Credit: YMCA of Middle Tennessee